The Safety Sleeper

The Safety Sleeper® Blog

Originally published on April 25, 2019 on the Abram's Nation Blog.

As we honor Autism Awareness Month during April, so many thoughts come to mind about this journey I never imagined I would be on. Over the years, the overwhelming fear and uncertainty have been replaced by gratitude. That’s not to say that I don’t still have fears about Abram’s future or experience days more difficult than I feel equipped to handle, but I’ve experienced a shift in the way I think about autism.


There was a time years ago, before The Safety Sleeper®, that I had two disheartening beliefs: that I would never again sleep through the night and that I would never again travel away from home. We had recently learned of Abram’s diagnosis on the autism spectrum, and we were searching desperately for a solution to keep him safe at night from wandering. I felt like a prisoner in my own home, fearing we couldn’t ensure Abram’s safety even at home, much less in new surroundings if we dared to travel.


Safety is always on our mind at Abram’s Nation. Plans for spring break and summer trips are beginning this time of year, and your special needs child may have some unique needs during travel.

Here are a couple of really cool gadgets that may suit you and your child’s travel needs.


When we discuss children who are diagnosed with medically complex conditions, we often reflect on and consider the effect it has on the child’s parents’ lives. But parents are not the only ones whose lives are irrevocably altered by a complex diagnosis or disability. Siblings in these situations often feel an acute sense of stress and confusion. They may even feel like they aren’t getting the attention they crave, or experience guilt, asking themselves, “Why not me?”