The Safety Sleeper

The Safety Sleeper® Blog

Posts tagged "Dream Keepers"

At age 9, Autumn had outgrown other beds. As a child with special needs, sleep was a real challenge. She was also prone to wandering which made most of the typical bedding options on the market a real challenge. The solution from Medicaid: “just put a mattress on the floor.” Enter Anthony Paulis, who has been involved with Autumn for 6 years, Anthony, realized that this just wouldn’t work for Autumn when he saw The Safety Sleeper® from Abram’s Nation, he knew he had the solution. But he also had another problem: how to get Medicaid to step up and pay for the bed.


Meet Michelle and Noah. "Noah has Angelman Syndrome, Epilepsy, and Autism, as well as several other diagnoses. Angelman Syndrome affects the sleep patterns, some can go days without sleep, which can get exhausting! In addition to this, Noah has amazed us by also taking his first unassisted steps earlier in 2020 and he's kept us all on our toes since."